I totally just rocked an audition.
Everything went exactly as I had planned, and I knew I’d booked it.
As we all know, auditioning is scary. As an actor, you’re putting yourself on the line in every audition, and most of the time, you hear crickets. It’s easy to start getting in your head and questioning whether you’ve got what it takes.
I’m a firm believer in leveraging one’s strengths in all facets of the business, and for me, that includes audition prep and the moment I walk into the casting room. That’s what my Magnetic Actor Method is all about, and it has transformed the way I approach auditions. Here’s what it might look like in the the audition room, and how it worked for me.
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I know it’s December, but I’m still thinking about Thanksgiving. And it’s because of my brothers.
Yes, because I’m thankful for them, but there’s more to it. It really comes down to that I don’t see them enough.
We see each other every Thanksgiving which is pretty incredible for a family strewn across the country: My mom is in Hawaii, I’m in California, one brother is in Michigan and the other brother is in New York.
But about 5 years ago we made it a priority to see each other every Thanksgiving, because life is short. And family is what matters.
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Have you ever been in situations where you can’t “see” something even though you’re told it’s staring you in the face? Or maybe you’ve heard the term “it’s like wallpaper”.
If you haven’t heard that term before... it’s not a good thing. Imagine this: When the wallpaper was new, it was exciting and you loved it, but now that you’ve seen it a gagillion times, you don’t even notice it. And voila, “It’s like wallpaper”.
No one wants to be like wallpaper – especially in our industry!
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I think we can all agree that our world feels out of control right now, and we have no idea what we’re gonna wake up to.
But there is one thing I can count on every single day, no matter what (and it’s not that I wake up and want chocolate*, although that happens!? #truth).
It’s my top 5 strengths. And they're the most awesome, busiest, life partner non-negotiables a girl could ask for.
I literally wouldn't be me, without them.
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I have a confession.
I pride myself on knowing my greatest talents and strengths, yet they sometimes get me into trouble and it drives me absolutely insane.
I don’t think I’m alone.
We all have strengths and talents that let us do incredible things, but there’s also a “dark side”. Our strengths can also get the best of us if left unguarded or misunderstood.
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Screw having a good day. In fact, I won’t ever tell someone to “Have a good day!” again.
Here’s why.
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I just forgot to go to an audition. Seriously…who freaking does that?
Me! I did that, and my anger and shock were tearing me apart. Forgetting important auditions is not something I do.
How then, I asked myself, how for the love of dark chocolate, did this happen?
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