
I got new headshots recently and I was terrified. Headshots are one of those things that, as an actor, you KNOW you have to do but it’s so freaking stressful because “what will I wear” and “how many looks do I need?” and “what if my hair doesn’t cooperate?”

All the things that make you say no.

I’d actually needed new headshots for a while. But I kept putting it off.

Then...I started a trial run with a new manager and the first thing she asked me was whether or not I would consider new headshots.

Ugh. But I believe in kismet, so I knew it was time.

So I scheduled a shoot. The photographer said I could bring in a playlist. Oh gawd.  

Do I choose songs along the lines of Cum on Feel the Noize or something more David Gray-ish?  

Or maybe the song that had been on my mind for weeeeeeks at that point – Rock You Like a Hurricane.  This is the song where my air drum solos go wild and a work colleague crowned me chair-dancing champion.  

I ultimately didn’t bring a playlist; I didn’t need any reason to delay the inevitable.

But guess what?

Guess what song came on the radio on my way home from the shoot?  Yup. Rock You Like a Hurricane.

I know! It’s CRAZY!  What are the chances?  So I turned it up as high as I could and “chair danced” my little heart out.  


It’s fun to think about how that manifested itself, which of course made me think about how we manifest other things in our life.

My husband rolls his eyes when I talk like this, but why can’t it be real?  I am definitely a person who believes things happen for a reason and I looove deja vu, coincidences, and signs.

And maybe you’re rolling your eyes, too.  That’s ok.

I don’t really consider myself a woo woo kind of person.  But... what if it’s real?  What if when you put something out to the universe it makes it more likely to happen?  

A student in my Masterclass pilot program called it Pronoia. It’s the opposite of paranoia. It's when you put something out in the world and the universe conspires to help you. 

I LOVE that. 

If you’re analytical like my husband, then maybe you’ll say that pronoia seems "real" because once we verbalize something our brain goes to work and starts thinking about all the steps to get there.

Either way it's great! That’s actually kind of the point and results are results.

I do believe taking action towards your goals is critical to any kind of success.  But wouldn’t manifesting be so freaking fantastic? Is it worth being just a little bit curious to find out?  

Play with me.

Pick one thing you want to manifest in the next month. Now say it out loud.

Then, let me know all of the things that (might) start to happen... like if you start to notice that the universe is jumping on the Pronoia bandwagon and conspiring to help you.

You may think I'm nuts, but just remember this is all supposed to be fun. LIke our acting career is supposed to be fun...even though a lot of time it feels really hard.

At the very least, put on the Scorpions and see if that pumps you up a little.