You may have noticed by now, but I blog a lot about the importance of knowing your strengths. I also talk a lot about what it’s like to start a business.
And all the ways it’s rewarding. Aaaaand all the reasons it’d be so easy to quit.
It’s a lot of work. And I like naps.
I dream about watching an entire season of Westworld in one day. But I can’t.
I could…I suppose. But just for one day. If I want to have a full day where I do nothing “productive," eat popcorn and watch TV, I should be able to do that.
As long as I know my Why.
Because my Why is bigger than me. My Why is what keeps me going when I question why I started this business in the first place.
As an actor, you go through this, too.
Acting is electrifying, but booking a job is hard. You get rejected a lot and it can seem like there’s no win in sight.
But yet, you keep coming back for more.
If your Why is to become rich or famous, you should re-think it. Or at least read up on the horrifying statistic that only ~8% of actors work at any given time.
There’s got to be another reason you’re doing this.
Find out what it is so the next time you get released for the third time in three weeks, you don’t decide to give up, move back home and get a “real” job.
Acting is a real job.
Even if you’re not working all the time.
You’re working on your career. And you happen to love it and think it’s fun. So fun, in fact, you're often willing to do it for free.
My reason for acting is that it allows me to access and experience allll the emotions. In what other job can you sob your heart out for hours and then say, “That was the best day ever!”?
I’m thrilled to the core by aha moments and tapping into feelings I didn’t know I had. Like how I felt after watching the Season 4 finale of Jane the Virgin.
I screamed. I got giddy. And I got all teary. I was all in.
And I paced by the front door until my daughter got home so we could talk about it. For hours.
Because Jane has some BIG decisions to make.
My reason for The Magnetic Actor Method is that I want to turn this industry on its head, in the best possible way.
I want to create a community of actors who get each other. Actors who work from a place of supporting each others’ talents and strengths. Not from a place of competition and fear.
So, instead of you questioning your self-worth every day because you didn’t book it...again, I want to remind you of this:
You have powerful natural talents and there's a reason you're doing this.
Find out why.
And once you've made your decision, go all in.