The Real Reason Your Social Media is a Pain in the A$$

Social Media is kind of a pain in the ass. 

You wish it was easier to use. You wish it was fun. You wish that attracting gobs of followers with your witty banter and interesting posts was a no-brainer.

You make excuses not to do it like, “I’m too old”, or “I wouldn’t know what to post”, but deep down you’re actually afraid that no one will like your stuff, follow you back, or that you might get blasted for saying something dumb, amiright?

And then a new kind of fear creeps in.  It’s called FOMO and it sounds like, “What’s a meme?” or  “Whose abs are they talking about?”

I know that’s what you’re thinking because I used to think it, too.

My saving grace was Heidi Dean’s Social Rockstar Challenge.  It blew me away, and dare I say I’m now the social media savviest of all my friends?  

I know. You’re surprised.

I felt the same way when my 76-year-old mom told me she was day trading cryptocurrencies.  #ForReals.  

But back to social media and the real reason you’re not on board yet.

I think it’s because you’re not comfortable being you.  And I’ll bet it’s because you don’t really know yourself.  

People who aren’t comfortable in their own skin are afraid to be seen, and it can manifest itself as fear in the darndest places… like on social media or in the audition room.

So here’s the burning question.

Do you really know you? Can you articulate the exact qualities that dictate the ways you think, feel and behave?

No?  Then that’s where your social media journey needs to start.

When you understand the WHY behind your every move, it builds self-trust, which makes interacting with social media a whole lot easier and way more fun.  

Heidi knows this too which is why her first lesson is called, “Putting the ME in Social MEdia”.  

It’s also when I gave her my first virtual high-five.  

But getting crystal clear on exactly who you are runs deeper than you think. It’s not things like “I grew up in Boston,” “I have red hair, “ or “I love to hike”.

Instead, it’s the specific combination of talents and strengths that only you have. 

It’s things like Positivity (Are you a glass-half-full person?), Analytical (Do you love to analyze information to search for reasons and causes?) and Achiever (Are you goal-oriented and love to complete tasks?).

These are the kinds of qualities that set you apart from everyone else.

I believe the self-trust that builds by identifying and appreciating your unique qualities, means that sharing yourself on social media will become less daunting.

Because suddenly, you’re worthy of showing yourself – the real you – to the world.

The problem is that these talents can be hard to pinpoint, which is exactly why I created a FREE, 5-step Action Guide to help you. You can snag it here.  

After that? Have at it.

When you know and love your innate talents and also happen to be a mom who loves to bake?  Great!  Commandeer the hashtag #NomNomMom and go crazy posting photos of the kid-friendly stuff you whip up.  

So, this is what I want for you. Don’t let fear win.  I want you to put the ME in Social MEdia by being willing to show up in the first place.  

Because you are enough, exactly as you are, and for whatever you want to post.

RT that.