One of the things I’ve learned from creating The Magnetic Actor Method is to not take things so personally.
In the beginning when someone unsubscribed from my list, I'd feel sick to my stomach for a while.
Now, I smile because I know it means I’m getting closer and closer to finding my people.
It’s kinda like dating.
You’ve gotta date a lot of perfectly nice –but wrong for you – guys, before meeting The One.
Same thing here. I’m not for everyone, and that’s okay! And a lot of people aren't right for me.
The other day I got an email from a person whose name I didn’t recognize.
It was an email from a marketing powerhouse whose list I'd subscribed to about 3 months prior.
And this was only the second time I'd heard from her. In three months.
Suddenly, she seemed a lot less relevant and got-my-back-ish, so I unsubscribed.
No hard feelings, but I wanted more.
And this underscored how important it is for actors to have a consistent marketing plan.
Casting Directors see a lot of teeny tiny actor thumbnails every day. And probably a lot of notes, postcards and one-sheets, too.
But they still see them. Even if it's just to scoop them all into the recycling bin.
Maybe one catches their eye one day. Maybe it's the actor they've been looking for.
It should be you.
Don't leave your career to chance.
Send thank you notes. Send updates. Send a postcard with your new headshot. Send a joke.
Stay top of mind.
Because consistency matters.
If you read this article of mine, then you know it took 3 YEARS of me leaving “please have a baby” notes around the house for my parents to finally Get.It.Done.
So if you think sending a postcard every few months to a CD you’re dying to get in front of is enough, it’s probably not.
You don't want to show up on her desk every quarter.
You want to become familiar enough so she feels like she knows you. So that when she's scrolling through submissions and sees your thumbnail, she clicks on it.
Don’t make it easy for her to unsubscribe.