Let's Start a Revolution.
Who's with me? Wouldn’t it be incredible if we could take the entertainment industry by storm and move it from a fear-based, nebulous entity to one where we all speak the same language – a language of strengths, self-certainty and positive growth?
That’s the kind of revolution I’m talking about.
Let me back up.
If you’re an actor like me, you want to book more work. You want the process of booking to be more clear, you want to believe that we’re all in this together, and that those in control of the process want you to succeed as much as you do.
But unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Or at least, that's not how it feels.
The bottom line is that you’re not booking enough of the work you really want. Because of that, you worry that you’re not doing it right or that something is wrong with you. Self-doubt creeps in. The industry feels hard and the process is unclear.
I understand this, because I feel the same way. It’s tough to admit, but it’s true.
But, I have a plan!
I developed the Magnetic Actor Method to teach actors how to identify their unique, natural talents. Discovering your natural talents and how they help you be successful means that you can appreciate and LOVE what makes you, YOU. That’s what fosters authenticity in the audition room – the self-trust that you are enough, just as you are.
Here’s the thing. The opposite of authenticity is self-doubt, isn’t it? The fear that you're not enough is you not trusting yourself to make the right choices or to do the right things, or not trusting that you’re good enough to be in this industry in the first place.
Self-doubt is insidious and it will eat you alive.
So… are you ready? Are you ready to fight to really know, understand and love who you are, exactly as you are? If the answer is yes, then let’s focus our precious energy on what’s right with ourselves and each other.
Imagine being part of a thriving community of actors who all think this way.
Imagine having unwavering support from other actors as you work through the process of finding and developing your unique talents in order to turn them into career-exploding strengths.
And what if other industry folks got involved too, and we all literally started speaking the same strengths-based language?
Wouldn’t that be something?
If this sounds good to you, come join us in the Facebook group. You’ll learn so much about yourself and why you move through the world the way you do. This self-awareness is empowering because it builds self-trust and self-competence.
The alternative is to keep doing what you’ve been doing and keep doubting that you have what it takes to make it.
Join the Magnetic Actor Revolution and go from spinning your wheels toward an uncertain future to a targeted, laser-focus on YOU.
If you want to dive first into the Magnetic Actor Method, get on the WAITLIST for the March 2018 launch of the Magnetic Actor Method Masterclass here.
In the meantime, if you're anxious to get a taste of what it's all about, download my FREE Magnetic Actor Method Action Guide by clicking the button below. You'll learn the secrets to crushing fear and revolutionizing your audition process so you can become irresistibly magnetic and book more work.
Who's in?